The Broken Toys Project

Everyone is talking about plastic, about the damage to mankind and the environment, and about reducing and stopping the use of disposables. It’s excellent and important, but what about what’s already here? With all the products that are manufactured, bought, and then thrown away, what about the plastic heaps and the toys that keep piling up every second of the day?

Why toys?
Because we all know how to use them and success is guaranteed. A toy is an approachable, familiar, and lovable object, that enables us to play, imagine, and experience. Playing is an open and free action, enabling research, finding imaginary solutions, and intuitively processing and mediating ideas. That’s why it’s charged with an emotional choice, belonging, and identity. When the toys are there in abundance, they no longer function as a playing toys, but rather as new raw materials, rich with technologies and possibilities like mechanics, electricity, movement, scale, etc.

More than 250,000 broken plastic toys were reused in my workshops in recent years and became meaningful again for someone. 

The Project Goals:
👉 Instill soft and hard skills such as rousing curiosity, searching and developing an idea, personal expression, and enabling to dare by a facilitator rather than a teacher. Develop innovative thinking by creating wild connections and using existing ones. 

👉 Act in order to use the existing, reduce waste and reduce consumption.

👉 Develop collaboration and social and environmental responsibility.

👉 Enable experiencing success: everyone knows how to use toys and so everyone succeeds.

👉 Using the circular economy concept – use of existing resources for new environmental, communal, and educational creations.

Join us!
You are invited to enjoy the existing, values of creativity and innovation, to play, be curious, inquisitive, and explore, and mostly enjoy this wonderful intuitive and initial object that we all know how to use – toys.

#reuse #reduce #toys #plastictoys #education #sustainability #SDG's